Wednesday, January 11, 2012

How do you keep the peace this New Year?

The holiday season is over, children are back to school and now it is utter chaos trying to achieve New Year’s resolutions, second semester homework and oh yes let us not forget the freezing weather that brings everyone instead. 

It is easy to begin feeling stressed in a matter of days for the simple fact of New Year overload.  We did the research for you to discover how families are keeping the peace and kicking chaos out into the cold.  According to article, Sharing the Love, Keeping the Peace these quick tips will help navigate you through the start of 2012.

1.    Talk it out:  Just as adults voice their concerns in the work place so should children.  Showing your children that talking about what is causing them stress, anxiety or anger will help eliminate them lashing out at siblings and family.

2.    Work together:  Remember the saying, “The busy bee gets the honey?”  Well, keeping your children entertained and busy eliminates the chaos created from mere boredom.  Have your children make snowflakes out of napkins, paper or tissues, and hang them in the windows. Help your older children plan and make dinner one evening. Let them get creative with themes, and guide them toward healthy decisions. For instance, give them a list of possible healthy ingredients to help them experiment and create a meal. “

3.    The family that plays together stays together!  Although you do not get to enjoy a winter break, your children are in vacation mode.  Spending time with them doing activities that they normally cannot do while in school such as sledding, skiing and seeing a movie is a great way to bond and learn more about your children.

The winter is filled with not only warm clothes but holiday spirit as well; carry that feeling throughout the beginning of the New Year to keep the peace.

Share what you do in order to keep chaos and stress out?

Tuesday, January 3, 2012

Is Learning your New Year’s Resolution?

Each year we are excited for change and opportunity.  Usually setting our New Year’s Resolution is the start to this whole New Year and new you, but does your resolution make the top 10 list of most popular?

According to online article  learning something new is number 8 on the top 10 list.  Setting goals whether you are an adult or child is a great way to enjoy achievements.  Sharing your goal of learning for 2012 with your children is not only fun but will be one of the most beneficial New Year’s Resolutions you have ever made.

Many of us are familiar with the quote, “You learn something new each day” and in most cases it is always true.  Whether your children are playing during recess or in the classroom, each experience is a learning experience.  Introducing children to the fun of learning is one of the most under estimated gifts.

At Kumon Learning Centers children not only learn something new every day, they retain what they learn and have fun with the experience of learning.  When do your children ever come home and tell you that their teacher sat with them one on one in order to modify and support them through their work for an hour?  

With increasing classroom sizes and added pressure on teachers to stay on track with teaching the curriculum, we cannot blame them for not being able to sit with our children individually.  Can you imagine if teachers were able to do that?  That would be 24 hours a day just to sit with each child!

Education in schools is invaluable, however many children just need the extra attention and guidance to help retain the curriculum that is taught in schools.

Will learning something new be your families New Year’s Resolution?