Tuesday, December 20, 2011

Born to learn…Kumon style

It may seem obvious that children learn in school yet according to online article, howchildrenlearn.homestead.com/, babies are born knowing more than you may think.
We are born to learn- nine months of hearing voices, music, emotions and movements add up to us being born knowing familiarity.  Each day we learn something new or at least make the attempt.  Children are constantly exposed to learning and absorbing new environments, surroundings, noises and familiar faces.  How do we as parents encourage the love of learning without the added pressure of being the best?
The simple fact of promoting learning is an A+ for parents.  Knowing how your children learn and respond to new things and every day experiences, helps to build a solid foundation for expanding their minds and intellectual capacity.
We as parents have the greatest power to make the largest impact in our children’s lives.  Do you remember the saying, “Money doesn’t buy everything?”  It doesn’t ring more truth than raising children.  As parents we want to provide the best for our children; home, transportation, health care, education, food and clothing.  However, despite how well cared for your children may be, without parental involvement in the encouragement of learning, everything just falls short.
So how do we go about improving and promoting learning to make it fun and effective?  Be proud of the tiny milestones that may seem small to adults but to children they are enormous.  For example, tying shoes, zipping up a coat, putting toys away, getting dressed, writing, speaking, cleaning are all important milestones that deserve a "wow"!
With crazy schedules and hectic careers it is so easy to come home from work and shut off our ears.  Listening is the most powerful tool in learning about our children and finding opportunities to guide and teach. 
What have you learned, shared and taught your children today?

To encourage learning visit our Kumon Learning Center at http://www.kumon.com/west-worcester

Tuesday, December 13, 2011

To Kumon or Not to Kumon?

With soccer practice, dance recitals, school plays and play dates it seem that there is just not enough time to devote to a learning center.  Children are so busy that when the school bell rings for dismissal they have forgotten homework and are off to the next adventure.
Just with any sport, in order to get better we must practice- this is true for school work.  To improve not only your child’s grades but class participation, enthusiasm and most importantly confidence, Kumon should be at the top of the extracurricular activities list.  It is not a matter of becoming smarter and faster but for your child to learn how to learn.  This is the most valuable lesson through their life.
After school, sports and other activities children must sit down, focus and complete homework based on what they have learned.  With the over stimulation of finally being home, dinner being prepared, the news broadcasting on the television and siblings conversing, it is no surprise that focus is much easier said than done.  At Kumon children enter the center, sit down and work.  The environment encourages critical thinking with help and guidance right by their side ready to assist in their learning. 
With the rising costs of education and the increased pressure to do it all, it is so important to prepare our children with the tools necessary to succeed, not just in elementary or high school but college and beyond.
Practice, Practice, Practice and you will achieve success.
What have you focused on today?

To learn more about the many benefits of Kumon Learning Center